
The Health Benefit of LB81

Widely known and craved by people all over the world, it is no mystery that Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt has always been No. 1 best-selling yoghurt in Japan. While some people enjoy its unique aroma and taste, the majority of people that are regular consumer of Meiji Bulgaria Yoghurt are drawn and fascinated by its great benefit towards overall body function and immunity. More than that, the fact that Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt is made solely by natural ingredients makes it a wholesome food, a perfect choice for anyone who wants to improve their health condition.

For as long as we can remember, yogurt has always been recommended by health gurus as natural aid to alleviate constipation, thanks to live cultures that are in it. Now, LB81 is a unique type of those live cultures with additional benefits supported by both scientific researches and elder’s words. In other words, whether you are a believer of science or grandma’s wisdom, there is nothing to argue about the great result of consuming LB81 on a daily basis.

In one of the researches, Metchnikoff E, a Russian scientist at Pasteur Institute observed that Bulgarian people consumed fermented milk on a daily basis and Bulgarians have long life expectancy. What do you think is in their Bulgarian yogurt? Of course, it is LB81.

You may have already realized now that not all live cultures are created equal and LB81 is among a few that has been scientifically proven and, therefore, most trusted by nutritionists. The have been widely researched, and the data suggests they may improve immune and digestive health. “How does that work?”,

you may ask. The secret of how live LB81 can improve our overall physical health lies in our gut.

There are more than 100 trillion microorganisms in 400 different species residing in the gut, and they have symbiotic relationships with the body. In order to understand the way it works, you need to know that there is a mix of good and bad microorganisms. LB81 is a type of the good microorganism that goes into your gut, takes away nutrients from the bad ones and help reduce pathogenic microorganism, which are the ones that can cause diseases.

The list of research-proven result of how consuming LB81 regularly can make people healthier in a term is endless. We cannot miss the commonly known fact that it helps with a better digestive system and even lead to a fasten digest. LB81 commonly found in Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt can help to reduce gasses and avoid the possibility of heartburn. In other researches, it also helps improve metabolic rate since consuming LB81 stimulates the conversion of food into energy that lead to a high and fasten metabolic rate. This can also be a way to optimize oxygen distribution and add more needed energy for daily activities.

Other key benefits are the fact that LB81 helps avoid fat formation, lower down the blood pressure people with hypertension syndrome and further help to maintain the blood pressure level, therefore, it is able to help us avoid the stroke symptoms and bring a healthier cardiovascular. also a good option to manage cholesterol level. In a lighter note, LB81 can also help maintain your skin health by preventing breakouts and delay the signs of aging.

Looking to live cultures to support immune health is nothing new; the idea has existed for more than 100 years. As we keep learning more and more through researches in modern days, it is key to choose the right kind of live cultures that can truly boost your overall health. With extensive researches behind LB81 that is used in the natural process to produce Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt, we’d say “what are you waiting for?”.





